A Creative Independent Novel Project

By: Caden Herring 1st period

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chapter Summaries 4: Video Store than D'Agostino's, Facial, Date with Evelyn, Tuesday, and Genesis

Video Store than D'Agostino's describes his visit, you guessed it, to a video store. While inside, he gets freaked out by the multitude of video options, and has an anxiety attack. Once again, further evidence of brain malfunctions that Bateman seems to constantly suffer from. He then takes 2 5 milligram doses of Valium of which he suffers ill hallucinogenic effects. He then stops by D'Agostino's for a bland selection of dinner items. Next, he goes to visit Helga, where he enjoys getting a facial done and thinking about all of the positive aspects of his life. In the following chapter, Evelyn calls him in a panicked state describing how she couldn't stay at home because of the decapitation of her neighbor. She wants to come over, but Patrick won't let her because he has her neighbor's head in his own freezer. They then go out to dinner, where he attempts to drone out Evelyn's pointless chatter by thinking of a poster he saw a few nights ago in the subway station where he murdered two black kids. Evelyn ends the dinner by describing a wedding she attended and says that she thinks her Bateman should get married, to which Patrick responds with understandable skepticism. In the proceeding chapter called Tuesday, Bateman attends a black tie party which he quickly becomes bored with, and instead decides to go stab a black homeless man half to death for no apparent reason. This is examined more closely in a previous post titled Random Thought 2. And, with a very sudden shift, Ellis brings us to a chapter where Bateman does nothing but describe his feelings towards a band called Genesis. 

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