A Creative Independent Novel Project

By: Caden Herring 1st period

Monday, December 1, 2014

Random Thought 4

This is almost unbearable. The extreme way in which Patrick's grotesque murdering and raping is describe is almost too much for me. Bret Easton Ellis is a genius for writing this book, but a sick one. The length at which he describes every detail of every murder is sickening, and it's not surprising that you must be 18 to buy it in some places of the world. The book was first rejected when Ellis sent it to be publicized, but after much discussion and pressing from Ellis, it was accepted with a limited publication. you really can do nothing but marvel at the expertise in writing this novel, but if you have a weak stomach or don't prefer to read entire chapters about sex and murder, then this is not the novel for you. Fair warning.

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