A Creative Independent Novel Project

By: Caden Herring 1st period

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Chapter Summaries 8: Detective, Summer, Girls, Confronted by a Faggot, Killing Child at Zoo, Girls, Rat, Another Night, At Another New Restaurant

A detective comes to Patrick's office to question him about the disappearance of Paul Owen, and he plays it very cool and is able to evade all suspicion concerning him. He's very good at not getting caught, I'll give him that. In the next chapter, Summer, he says that he feels as if he's loosing control and simply needs to get away from the city, so he and Evelyn venture to the Hamptons for the summer. This was good for him, as he only committed a few homicidal acts the whole time he was there. Later, after he has returned, he once again has sex with two prostitutes named Elizabeth and Christie. Afterwards, he tortures them very badly and finally kills them the next morning. In Confronted by a Faggot, exactly that happens. Luis approaches him at a store by coincidence,  and pleads with him to give him a chance. When Patrick gives him nothing in return, he tells him that he's moving because of Bateman. In the following chapter, he shows signs that he's truly loosing control of his bloodlust, or more essentially, himself. In a drug enduced daze, he ends up at the zoo in Manhatten, where he patiently looks f\or his target. He decided on a little boy, and using sleight of hand he stabs him in the neck and then fades into the crowd, getting away completely unscathed. Afterwards, he orders too more prostitutes (Torri and Jamie) and and has sex with them, but then tortures them worse than he's tortured anybody else. The details of which are extremely grotesque, and really not for the faint of heart. In Rat, he finds a large rat in his apartment which he finally traps and saves to torture his next victim with, who ended up being another prostitute. Later, he gets on a threeway call with McDermott and Van Patten and they make four different reservations at 4 different restaurants. They get very confused about which they've cancelled and remade and sent their girlfriends to, and Evelyn and Jeanette (girl that Patrick is having sex with) end up at the same place engaging in extremely awkward conversation. In the very next chapter, Evelyn and Patrick go out to dinner where Patrick gets a urinal cover smeered with chocolate and wrapped in a bow sent to Evelyn, where she eats it with disgust. For some reason, he didn't get as much pleasure watching her eat it as he thought he would, which gives him the idea to break up with Evelyn. He then actually dumps her, and Evelyn, first not able to comprehend whats happening but slowly gets the gist of it, is furious. Patrick has decided that he's going to let Evelyn have all of their friends and start living a life of more solidarity, as well as start to see a psychologist.

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